Inverted Umbrellas

Inverted Umbrellas

Superain is premier wholesale inverted umbrellas supplier in China, can supply you  inverted umbrellas in beautiful design based on good quality!
Contact us custom your own inverted umbrella and get better factory price to save your cost  now!

  • CEO Note:

    Hi! Welcome to visit Superain website,This is Louis, Superain Umbrella Co.,Ltd CEO. and I hope to be your friend here.I have over 15 years experience in umbrella field and would like to share my experience with you. I have already provided many free solutions for customer's umbrella project base on their local market needs.and if you have any question about umbrellas,pls feel free to contact me!

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Superain: Your Premier Wholesale Inverted Umbrellas Supplier

the Inverted umbrella is also named reverse umbrella, upside down umbrella or car umbrella.

1. What is the inverted Umbrella?


2. the feature of inverted umbrellas

Compared to the traditional umbrella, the inverted umbrella has the following unique features:

  • C shaped handle: Cross the C-shape handle over your arm,no need to use one hand to hold the umbrella.  made your hands free for holding a baby, bag or mobile.

  • Easy to get on the car or bus: The traditional umbrella will wet your clothes or floor after rain, and not easy to close when you get on a bus or car.

inverted umbrella

  • The inverted umbrella will keep the floor, clothes and car dry after the rain because they have double canopy when closed. The wet canopy is inside and the dry canopy is outside. Also, the double canopy is more windproof & waterproof compared to the traditional umbrella, in case of a heavy storm.

inverted umbrella Wholesale

  • The inverted umbrella can “stand up” when closed, and can easily be put anywhere.

inverted umbrella Wholesale

  • The inverted umbrella is easy to close when getting in a car.

inverted umbrella Wholesale


3. What is the style of the inverted umbrella?

1.according to the open method, inverted umbrella can have manual open inverted umbrella, auto opening inverted umbrella and auto opening and auto closed inverted umbrellas.

2) according to the fabric color, the inverted umbrella can have solid style, printed style, and clear style.

solid inverted umbrellas: you can choose any solid color you want. black, red, blue, orange, purple, yellow, pink, grey.

inverted umbrella solid colorprinted color inverted umbrellas: stripe design, flower printed.
inverted umbrella printed colorclear inverted umbrellas:

clear inverted umbrellas

4. What is the inverted Umbrella Material

the Inverted umbrella frame is made of fiberglass which is durable and strong. It offers a windproof function.

inverted umbrella fiberglass frame

fabric: is make of pongee.

inverted umbrella Wholesale

5. the size of inverted umbrella

inverted umbrella size

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